Reading through the recent PHP 6 Developers Meeting notes, a couple of things jump out.

1. PHP is finally going to receive a goto implementation. I know that I’ve really been missing that keyword for some time now.

2. And to quote, “PHP currently has no name spaces, which some people find inconvenient”. Which doesn’t sound at all like sour grapes. ‘Some people’ indeed.

PHP bugs me at the moment. On the one hand, the whole UTF-8 mess that is PHP4 is an embarrasment and on the other, it seems that Zend are going to keep on truckin’ when it comes to this Zend Framework, regardless of the fact that there are plenty of frameworks already out there.

Honestly, it’s hard to keep a straight face as a PHP developer these days. Especially after being to told ‘STFU” not so long ago.

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