Tuesday 29th June
New: Ryan Gough: A spin-bowler in the making
New: Lightning Pool: Just about the best game of online pool
New: Chickstop: Games for girls who like to play
New: GrokItBot: A Bayesian/AIML instant messaging bot for AIM written in Python

Over and over
I have to acknowledge that what pervades my thinking, what has done for years, is an insistent question.
Do the people who die young, know that they will die young?

Recently I have concluded that they do not know this.
I am now convinced that they were asking the same question as I am. Over and over.

http://wiki.blojsom.com/  Blosjom
http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/  Flash mailing list
http://nuttybar.drama.uga.edu/  dirGames-L is a mailing discussion list for all those interested or involved in game creation, be it in Director, or Flash. The list covers many areas, from general game design, to technical issues, to whatever you think is relevant. Got a question? Ask here...
http://plato.stanford.edu/  Bertrand Russell
http://www.klaustrofobik.org/  Embedding flash in python (in a wxwindow)
http://www.recipezaar.com/  Batter Dipped Tofu
http://www.onrelease.org/  Flash blog

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