Monday 26th April
New: Chickstop: Games for girls who like to play
New: GrokItBot: A Bayesian/AIML instant messaging bot for AIM written in Python  AntiRSI is a program for Mac OS X that helps prevent RSI (repetitive strain injury) and other computer related stress. It does so by forcing you to take regular breaks, yet without getting in the way. It also detects natural breaks so it will not force too many breaks on you.  BluePhoneMenu is a small application that adds Caller ID functionality to your menu bar and desktop using your Bluetooth enabled phone.  This is the first in a two-part tutorial that will introduce you to the Jython scripting language and provide you with enough knowledge to begin developing your own Jython-based applications. In this first half of the tutorial, you will learn the concepts and programming basics of working with Jython, including access options and file compilation, syntax and data types, program structure, procedural statements, and functions.  Zope moved to open source in 1999 and is now supported by a global community. The multiplatform server is written in Python, which is well suited to Web development. Zope also offers an object database and has a number of open-source tools and plug-ins already available.  This is the second installment in a two-part tutorial designed to introduce you to the Jython scripting language. Part 1 covered the basics of Jython, including installation and setup, access options and file compilation, syntax and data types, program structure, procedural statements, and functions. In Part 2 you will delve into some of the more advanced aspects of working with this powerful scripting language, starting with an in-depth introduction to object-oriented programming with Jython. You Will also learn about topics essential to the mechanics of application development in any language, including debugging, string processing, and file I/O.  Breedster - the UK resource for IP Telephony  Radio Paradise - eclectic online rock radio  Quick Reference cards

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