Twitter from the inside out

January 4th, 2011, By Duncan Gough

Midnight from the inside out

It appears that I am very interested in turning services upon themselves, getting inside and pushing bits out to the sunlight. The more I use Twitter, the more I see it as only a place to discover content (over blogs, RSS feeds and Facebook, for example). That’s where the value is, and the most useful discoveries I make on Twitter are links to third-party websites. However, looking at my notes for when I first came up with this idea (in a car, en route to Wales), I habour a clear desire to leave Twitter.

My workflow for using Twitter is this – pick through the stream, load interesting-looking links in tabs, send them all to instapaper. All of which could be easily automated. So that’s what I did.

Here’s a thing which scans your twitter stream and runs the relevant links through a instapaper/readability-style parser. The result is a list of articles which I read easily enough in one place, and if I do need to know who shared the link on Twitter, then I can find my way back without too much difficulty. It took just over a week to build.

Sign up, try it out, see if it works for you. I’ll go back to Bliss and maybe something about the broheimification of the internet along the way.

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