The opposite of Foursquare

December 8th, 2010, By Duncan Gough

Is an anonymous, location-less game. Where the check-ins are focussed on the network of people rather than the network of buildings.

Annotated Bliss

Features from the last week include:

- Enjoying the Websocket support in Mobile Safari.
- Inspired by the success and genuine usefulness of trainee, came up with an idea for using the Twitter Streaming API combined with node.js and #uksnow to get an idea of what your train, bus and bike journey to work might be. There seem to be plenty of options out there.
- A staging server. Why I didn’t have one before, I don’t know.
- More sound effects. I spent ages listening to almost all of the free audio clips on the internet. I remember doing the same thing a while ago for
- Some refactored code for correct scoring, which led me to re-think scoring and start writing a better method of measuring activity within the game.
- Thought about node.js as a service, and ready plenty of articles about managing node.js too.

Elsewhere, some of my ideas are being published in a new newspaper, called Hackers!. At £4 it’s pretty cheap, so maybe you’d like to buy a copy?

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