
November 9th, 2008, By Duncan Gough

New PMOG, new Suttree!

All us good GameLayers have been busy adding more fun and features to everone’s favourite Passively Multiplayer Online Game, resulting in a new-look toolbar, total XULification of the heart and even more ways to reach out and hurt your fellow Passivists.

Those of you already playing PMOG will know of the Jaunting, Summoning fun we all have. Those of you in #pmog on will know of the many meta games that PMOG has enabled, like PRisk and the salubrious PMOG Casino. Moreover, I was fortunate enough to present some of these PMOG meta games at a Guardian Tech Talk on Passive Games & Casual APIs earlier this month, and a good time was had by all.

To cap it all off, dearest blog has had a redesign. Thanks go to Anthony from Fresh Coat of Paint for rearranging the lost into the co-ordinated, the guessed into the designed. Old links may break, hidden game items encoded in microformats were long expired. The New Order will prevail, long live Le Roi.

Now, after a summer of beast slayings (and some surrender), I’m excited to build more fun into the game of PMOG. Keep your eyes on PMOG, the PBlog, Twitter, Mozilla Add Ons and even Flock for news and new releases.

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