GoPets and Nexon

January 18th, 2007, By Duncan Gough

GoPets has received funding from Nexon, creators of Crazy Kartriding. PlayNoEvil has more on the deal here. Erik Bethke, the founder of GoPets, is an American living in Korea building a Korean, Item Model based community game for the West from him own home in Korea.

GoPets, chosen by Red Herring in August, 2006, as one of the 100 hottest startups in Asia, is a truly global online entertainment network which allows users to form friendships across language barriers and country borders. The pets have distinctive personalities and learn from their exploration with other users and other pets. GoPets creates an engaging adventure with members buying houses, decorating their gardens, dressing their pets, throwing parties and playing a variety of mini games.

It’s that old MCO idea again…

GoPets represents an exciting online entertainment experience for consumers all over the world. It is a perfect marriage of casual gaming and social networking.

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