January 5th, 2007, By Duncan Gough

Via the best games news blog I’ve been reading over the last six months or more, PlayNoEvil, comes this story of an Eve Online IPO:

This game is the closest thing to a real virtual world out there. Case in point – one of the in-game corporations is preparing an Initial Public Offering of its stock to game participants. They have a full prospectus, business plan, management profiles, everything.

I’m a huge fan of Eve Online because of their setup – there’s no instancing, no US/EU server split, it’s just one big virtual world. Big being the keyword there. There’s much more information here at If you just want the facts, though, then here’s the bottom line figure:

ISS will sell 50,000 shares, at 10 million ISK each, giving the alliance a market capitalization of some 500 billion ISK (InterStellar Kredits, the EVE currency). [...] At current eBay rates of almost 15 cents per million ISK, that’s almost US$75,000.

Eve Online really does have it all, space, scandal, politics. Like most people, though, it’s much too daunting to get involved with, though. Oh how they need a web-based, casual or passive beginngers guide to Eve Online where I can learn and level up to a decent strength character before I dive into the full game.

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