
April 5th, 2006, By Duncan Gough

Just a couple of updates:

1. Wired magazine – ‘Micropayments Drive Asian Games’

2. DFC asks ‘Will Online Games Decide the Upcoming Video Game Console War?’

3. There are signs of life over at Exanimus..

One thing that we will not answer is, “Where do the Zombies come from?” We are working that into the gameplay and we want everyone to have fun figuring that one out. Is it a religious, biological, supernatural, or no real explanation? That’s what players will have to find out for themselves thru the game. One question that we keep seeing over and over again is the question of “Are there going to be slow or fast Zombies?” Well, to answer your question, Yes…

4. I’ve played a beta of what m3mnoch is working on and I can honestly say that this new adventure authoring stuff sounds very cool.

this class can attribute narrative to the world at large. they can also create game locations. basically, they can craft their world how they like it. and, other people share in that vision.

right. they can ‘craft’ locations. i.e. a town. a valley. a farm. spin yarns and tell legends and attract populations, if you will.

people can travel there and hook up with others. take over a town and turn it into their guild center. all kinds of fun emergent-type play.

Emergent and passive, two steps ahead…

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