Digg/Travian Feedback

March 27th, 2006, By Duncan Gough

There’s been some positive feedback to my recent post, Casual Games =~ Social Software, primarily from Susan Mernit, cavitate.net and Nongames.com who even included a cartoon to illustrate their point.

On top of that, Alice has gamely picked up the baton and labelled browser-based games as ‘web-mogs’, their hook is ‘flippability’. I’m trying avoid using smilies on here, so i think I’ll just revert to a colondee.

If you want to keep up with the whole Travian vs. Digg Alexa battle, I’d suggest this Alexaholic graph. Not that I think travian will overtake digg, just that their rise to prominence is very similar.

More importantly, though, I’m completly hooked on Travian. Passive gaming, especially Travian with its’ strict limits on gameplay time (you can only build once per hour, pretty much), is addictive in a way that rations how much you can play in any one stint.

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