Casual Clones

March 14th, 2006, By Duncan Gough

Via 1 Good Game, comes news of Kasual Kit, a casual games clone wizard.

Kasual Kit is an amazing new Independent Games resource that will have your casual game up and running in only minutes! No more messy code frameworks, confusing source libraries, or questions about hardware compatibility!

With Kasual Kit, just run our easy-to-use game wizard, and have all your game code generated for you! Spend your time on innovation, not perspiration!

The casual game industry has expanded with multimillion dollar success stories overnight! Many independent developers have been left behind, but with Kasual Kit, you can pick up the slack! With Kasual Kit’s game wizards and game assets, you can have your casual game ready for market in less than a week!

There are similar services to this for Flash games, but something about the way so many casual games can be cloned and boiled down to a list of checkbox features is worrying. More to come on that later though…