In the news…
February 21st, 2006, By Duncan Gough
There’s a good interview with the developers from Dofus on Gamasutra:
Of particular interest is their response to ‘what was the dumbest thing you did (whilst developing Dofus)’:
For a Flash based MMO, that’s understandable. Aside from Puzzle Pirates there’s no other comparison really.
Elsewhere in MMO(RPG) based news, James Cameron plans to spin off a film from an MMO. Whilst it’s great to see such a huge name involved in games it doesn’t require much investigation to dig up some serious questions about the project.
Two years? We could all be anti-MMO by then. Plus, if you’re looking to create a social MMO there’s no need, use Seed. Still, if he’s looking to create a virtual world from which to spin stories, then an MMO is ideal. Just make sure you pay attention to the key decisions though. There’s only really one MMO that consistently spins out compelling stories and that’s EVE. To me, the reason for that is down the CCP and their decision not to shard, among other things. Although I seem to remember that City of Heroes made a good stab at publicising the stories that grew out of their world, as did The Matrix MMO.