Casual Games, Social Software by Duncan Gough

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Via Gamers Daily, via Wonderland, another Korean MMO, but this time it looks suspiciously like an MCO.

Audition is an ‘Online Dance Battle’ where the gameplay is controlled by hitting the right keys on your keyboard in time with the music, much like simple flash games like Ya Dancer. It’s great to see them move away from the traditional online RPG and Shooter themes and this has ‘Casaul Game’ written all over it, much like Buzz does for the PS2.


Audition hits 50 million registered users. Huge! Raph points out that the peak concurrency, that is, the number of users simultaneoulsy online, hit 400,000. Compare that that to an MMO like Eve, which has a concurrency record of 15,000 users in September 2005. It’s a different world, it really is.

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Links for Wednesday, January 25th, 2006