Casual Games, Social Software by Duncan Gough

Continuing the Valve, Counter-Strike and in-game ads theme, Valve is not amused.

Quoth Valve..

At no time did Valve grant permission nor discuss these advertisements with Engage. As such, this is now a legal matter. Advertising or any other commercial use of our games requires our written permission.

I’m particularly interested to see how this one pans out, especially since Engage are just the first to do it, not the first to do it wrong.

And in MCO news, Seed is a ’social’ MMORPG (hence, MCO), that looks to be very interesting

the quests/storylines will unfold like some sort of interactive fiction. Where the multiplayer aspect comes in is that these quests might actually involve other player-characters. For example, to complete one of your quests, an NPC might ask you to get a specific player-character elected to a particular position in the city’s government.

If this is a cross between an alternate relality game and a massively multiplayer online game then it’s a ARG/MCO, of perhaps, a MMARG (massively multiplayer alternate reality game).

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Links for Thursday, January 19th, 2006