Flashing the Xbox 360

January 3rd, 2006, By Duncan Gough

Since the launch of the PC-in-a-box that is the Xbox 360, a lot has been made of the Live Arcade functionality. Some wags have even been saying that the best launch titles for the Xbox360 in the year-long launch window were the ones available on Live Arcade, like Hexic for example.

As a games developer, the Microsoft backed Xbox Live Arcade system looks like a huge publishing medium for any number of casual games. To have a game featured on the Xbox360 would represent a huge amount of exposure. Given that the Xbox is, as I’ve said, a PC-in-a-box, the idea that it could play Flash games had already crossed my mind. So I was not that surpised to see the possibility raised on the dirGames list today.

This post in this thread over on xbox-scene.com provides all the details, including a lengthy list of all the getURL commands that interact with the Live Arcade itself. It’s interesting to see that getURL and FSCommand are the methods of choice for communication to and from the flash files, I thought everyone had moved on to socket servers and Flash Remoting.

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