One interview, one review

November 22nd, 2005, By Duncan Gough

I’m in Australia for the second 3RD sense International Conference that is proving to be very constructive. However, it doesn’t seem right to come all this way and then blog, so the updates have slowed down somewhat.

In ongoing news, however, my interview with eHub has gone live and we’ve received a very nice, very insiteful review from searchenginewatch.

“The site uses controlled vocabulary (called “Gameology”) to describe categories (arcade, shooter, puzzle, etc). Although you can also add your own free-form tags, these category tags are well known to most users, so there’s little ambiguity about what the tags mean.”


WebUser have also jumped in with a succinct review too.

“You could spend hours trawling the net and wouldn’t find all of these – it really is awesome, and definitely one to add to your favourites.”