Casual Games, Social Software by Duncan Gough

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The hits just keep on coming! (copyright every DJ in the world ever, plus a few useless bloggers, like me).

Jewel Thief is a new game available on Playaholics that pretty much ticks every box a decent casual game should tick at the moment. It’s part arcade, part puzzle. Part grouper, part action. There’s even a bit of a stealth element in there too, although stealth games are a bit 2004, of course.

Naturally, the real reason I’m mentioning this is because I wrote Jewel Thief with a huge chunk of help from everyone else at 3RD sense. According to the Mochibot stats it’s doing really well. Most importantly, it’s #1 on the Top Ten Games list on Playaholics itself. So long as it stays in the top 10 for a decent amount of time, then it’ll be a confirmed hit (and there’s some big names in that top 10 list too).

One Response to “Jewel Thief”

  1. MochiBot Blog » Blog Archive » Jewel Thief Says:

    […] hile ago, but totally forgot about it. The game is called Jewel Thief and was produced by Duncan Gough at 3RD Sense. The goal of the game is to grab as many jewels as possib […]

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Links for Thursday, September 8th, 2005