Casual Games, Social Software by Duncan Gough

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// AirTunes strikes a chord

I moved house about a month ago (oh the stress) and as much as I’d like to make this joke, I won’t - it’s a new home in terms of bricks and mortar.

No, having moved in and setup my wireless home network, I found that the reach is poor. I knew that the solution would be a wireless repeater but I couldn’t get excited about buying a ‘device’. Even if it’s a nerdy one, I can’t really get excited about it. A few years ago I could get excited about buying some new tubes for my Amp, a Fuzz Face just like Marc Ford and Jimi Hendrix (in that order), but not a wireless repeater. The digital home and the desktop as a ‘hub’ just aren’t ideas that I’m keen on.

My wife (hi Jane!) bought the Airtunes gadget as she knew I’d never get round to it myself and instantly we realised how useful it was. A white box the size of a, er, small white box - the portability of it was the real kicker. Like a lot of Apple power supplies, it’s a box with a plug attached, so carrying it upstairs and pluggin it in is easy. If the future of Apple is as a ‘connected devices’ company, then I’m beginning to see the potential.

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Links for Tuesday, July 12th, 2005