Casual Games, Social Software by Duncan Gough

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The BBC follows up on the recent Women in Games conference with, well, more of the same.

Last year, Suzie Cardwell discussed the hidden gamer and got a great response. Although it’s interesting that, in 2004, the response to the combination of women and ‘casual games’ was not as great then as it seems to be now, especially from the big names.

Now that the consolidation of the idea has taken place, I’d love to see the 2006 Women in Games conference focus on specific success stories. At 3rdsense, our approach to women in games is Chickstop - a casual games site where all the games are specifically puzzle or quiz based. With the success of Gaiaonline and Neopets though, it would be great to move the discussion on to specific games and concepts.

One Response to “Women in Games”

  1. casualities at Suttree, Elixir for Immortal Baboon Says:

    […] Women in games? It’s true, they exist. […]

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