I thought it was a bird, but it was just a paper bag

June 16th, 2005, By Duncan Gough

// i-Play and the Guardian.

By way of the haddock friendly Wonderland blog…

The Guardian games blog is a curious thing - part of the blogs.guardian.co.uk fold but not really part of it. As popular as games are at the moment, there is only a finite amount of news to be squeezed out of it all before the tempatation to reprint press releases crops up.

On the one hand, we’re gearing up for a ‘Tetris-like explosion in casual gaming’ and on the other hand we’re bowled over by the shock news that gameplay simplicity will be a key driver to growth of female gamers in the mobile market.

Because girls are stupid. Naturally. They like simple match-three games especially one invovling colours and animals.

Come on The Guardian - it’s in i-Plays interest to produce stats that support the new direction of the company but that doesn’t mean you have to blog all of them. Good on i-Play for promoting simple games but please be realistic and acknowledge the fact that the only explosion in mobile gaming will focus on simple games because mobile games can’t do anything complicated.

UK Resistance, as is increasingly the case, are much better at summing this up than I am:

– http://www.inlyrics.com/lyrics/F/FIONA%20APPLE/3650.html