Friday 4th February

New: Ryan Gough: A spin-bowler in the making
New: Lightning Pool: Just about the best game of online pool
New: Chickstop: Games for girls who like to play
New: GrokItBot: A Bayesian/AIML instant messaging bot for AIM written in Python

Over and over
I have to acknowledge that what pervades my thinking, what has done for years, is an insistent question.
Do the people who die young, know that they will die young?

Recently I have concluded that they do not know this.
I am now convinced that they were asking the same question as I am. Over and over.

Links  Personal Assistant for workflow collaboration & document management | Personal Assistant Service for Workflow Collaboration & Document Management  squidfingers / code / snippets / cookies | PHP, Javascript and Actionscript code snippets  Leight : Flash Game Creation | Actionscript game tutorials  Experiences of Using PHP in Large Websites PHP Annoyances | PHP Annoyances  Yay Hooray! » Absolutely, positively the best site on the internet! | Yay Hooray MySQL Triggers Tryout | MySQL Triggers Tryout  Tynsoe projects | SSH Tunnel Manager is a front-end for the ssh command when used to open tunnels between two hosts. Those command lines are particulary long and confusing, especially for novices, and I never remember which argument comes first, if I have to open local or remote tunnels and so on... That's why I wrote this tool.  Tynsoe projects | What are SSH tunnels ?  AnimationPackage | AnimationPackage is an ActionScript 2.0 library compatible to Flash Player 6 and above. It helps you to create powerful, maintainable animations in an efficient and easy way, resulting in small file sizes.  Small Values of Cool: A quick look at ElementTree | Python xml parsing  Who for such dainties would not stoop? | Duncan Gough's Fotopic backup uses Beautiful Soup to scrape the Fotopic website.  XMLHttpRequest, REST and the Rich User Experience : Paul James

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