You always did prefer the drizzle to the rain

January 24th, 2005, By Duncan Gough

// reborn, reimagined, repurposed was a short lived website that pooled MMS’d photo’s and attempted to fathom the web’s favourite colour.

A simple premise and one that clearly used a scripting language to parse, munge and deduce. It seems strange to mention if now but there was a time when scripting languages had to justify themselves. The continuing popularity of the Internet just seems to have given scripting languages free-reign. Sometimes an idea can make you realise how significantly and quietly things change.

Sadly, is no more. In games though, no idea is lost. Final Fantasy VII has a neat camera-phone aspect:

“The game also features a unique Materia system: players “create” Materia by taking pictures with their cell phone’s built in camera, and the dominant color of the photo determines the Materia type. Equipping Materia allows the use of spells in battle.” begets magic. Awesome. For more camera-phone meets game ideas that now strike me as inspired, read on:

Misc. links
Final Fantasy VII


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