You good dog, blue

October 5th, 2004, By Duncan Gough

// Actionscript wants to be free


I have to agree, for a langauge based on Javascript, with the availability of Flash decompilers, that Actionscript should be considered as freely viewable as HTML. ‘View source’ had a great impact on the development of the web and it would be great to think of Flash developers really getting into the spirit of source code sharing. There are already a number of developers doing just that and, from my limited experience, it’s got a lot to do with Actionscript 2.

Having a proper OO style to the language seems (to me) to have changed the mentality of Flash developers – much like PHP took a massive boost when people started looking at frameworks and design patterns, Actionscript developers seem to be headed in the same direction.

The wider implication of this is, of course, the inevitable ECMA-fication of everything, as opposed to the inevitable Pythonification of everything. Think Dashboard, Konfabulator, Flash and, when they get round to supporting AS2, Flash Lite (which I think could well be massive sometime soon). Not to mention how XmlHttpRequest is beginning to turn the tide of page-per-process webapps.



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