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Latest Local food posts in UK
- The importance of eating local food by suttree, 881 days ago Via thinkgreenmedia, a decent overview of why local produce is best, from the point of view of forest destruction and climate change.
- Asda goes local by jane, 851 days ago I've just been pleasantly surprised this morning doing my fortnightly big shop at Asda in Greenhithe (I wasn't supposed to go this week, but last w...
- 100 mile diet by duncan, 813 days ago "When the average North American sits down to eat, each ingredient has typically travelled at least 1,500 miles". This is a lovely idea - eat lo...
- Find your local farmers' market by duncan, 810 days ago
- Produced in kent by duncan, 779 days ago
- Mcdonalds forced to close by suttree, 724 days ago
- White dog cafe by duncan, 703 days ago
- Larkspur crm by duncan, 659 days ago
- by greenguy, 634 days ago
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4