Ikea Charges For Plastic Bags
Posted by duncan, 230 days ago
Link: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2007/02/ikea_us...

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Reading article "Ikea Charges For Plastic Bags" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
From March 15, 2007, Ikea will charge a nickel per bag, proceeds of which will go to American Forests.
From March 15, 2007, Ikea will charge a nickel per bag, proceeds of which will go to American Forests.


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Very good idea. If more stores did that I'm sure there'd be less people using plastic. Paper bags are better and more sturdy, and can be used in a variety of ways, ie crafts and my mom uses them to make very tender turkey.
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The thing that gets me is I remember, as a kid, all shops charging for plastic bags. It was as much as 5p 25 years ago. Then some places did two qualities - throw away that were free and thicker ones you bought. This was viewed as good customer service. Then the thicker ones went (or were made free)... only in the last 6 or 7 years have most supermarkets reintroduced "bags for life" which you have to buy.
I really think that charging for bags is a positive idea - get rid of the free ones and charge for them all to make people think twice about taking them.
We tried having our shopping delivered by a supermarket a few months ago - never again simply because of the number of bags. There was a separate one for each department even if there was only one item in the bag! I couldn't believe it (and that was a place that is encouraging reuse...)
I'd much prefer paper bags - our cat used to love playing it them!
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This is a great idea. I just read last week that in San Francisco (California) they are banning all plastic bags, only paper. It is a good start.
We do re-use our plastic bags though.
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