Breathing Earth
Posted by duncan, 389 days ago

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Reading article "Breathing Earth" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
This is an interesting Flash simulation of CO2 emissions and birth/death rates. It's clearly designed to put things in a very real, tangible form, and it does that quite well:
"Breathing Earth is a visual, real-time simulation of the CO2 emission rates, birth rates and death rates of every country in the world."
Personally, I'd like to be able to drill down to a more local level. Seeing things ona global scale is interesting but too distant. CO2 emissions are a subject best tackled in a local, how it affects your community, kind of way.
This is an interesting Flash simulation of CO2 emissions and birth/death rates. It's clearly designed to put things in a very real, tangible form, and it does that quite well:
"Breathing Earth is a visual, real-time simulation of the CO2 emission rates, birth rates and death rates of every country in the world."
Personally, I'd like to be able to drill down to a more local level. Seeing things ona global scale is interesting but too distant. CO2 emissions are a subject best tackled in a local, how it affects your community, kind of way.

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Now that is an interesting site. It's really interesting to compare the population of some of the countries with their levels of CO2 emissions..... For instance, the US, with a population around 300million, emits 1000 tonnes of CO2 every 5.4 seconds, whereas the UK, with a population of about 60 million, emits 1000 tonnes every 55 seconds, so that's just over half the amount the US emits per person.
I was surprised to see how much better France is than the UK. It would be interesting to know why. I wonder how much has got to do with their high speed trains (TGV) providing a good alternative to flying for internal journeys....
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