Antibiotics and poultry
Posted by blindboy, 358 days ago
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Reading article "Antibiotics and poultry" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Hello just a little information on chicken which have been drug treated. People who eat drug -treated poultry may develeope antibiotic resistance. The main drug in the poultry which affects antibiotic resistance is virginiamycin. The drug is banned in europe. This drug can cause germs to become more stronger as they develope and mutate to build tolerance to this drug. so watch out next tiem you eat drug treated poultry Reply to this
Hello just a little information on chicken which have been drug treated. People who eat drug -treated poultry may develeope antibiotic resistance. The main drug in the poultry which affects antibiotic resistance is virginiamycin. The drug is banned in europe. This drug can cause germs to become more stronger as they develope and mutate to build tolerance to this drug. so watch out next tiem you eat drug treated poultry Reply to this

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I have to say that one of the reasons why I'm glad to be veggie is that no one knows the long term effects on humans of the drugs that are fed to animals - poultry and cattle. It also can't be good for the animals themselves - I'm convinced that the "illnesses" for which antibiotics are provided just develop over time to become more sophisticated and as a consequence, the drugs no longer have any effect.
If people do want to eat meat (I'm not by any means saying that everyone should be veggie - we all have our own beliefs and reasons) then they should seriously consider eating organic meat at all times. This is a lot more natural and you can be more confident of what you are putting into your body.
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