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Eco-design spring fair

Posted by ecosrights, 492 days ago

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Reading event "Eco-design spring fair" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
Spring has sprung, and The Eco-Design Spring Fair is
approaching! Come and visit this great venue to
discover what sustainable and fair trade design is all
about: Fashion, t'shirts, footwear, bags, belts, ties,
knickers, jewellery, slippers, baby clothes, maternity
wear, knitwear, mirrors, lighting, home furnishings,
cards, books, gifts and stationery products - all made
with the environment in mind. Also information and
advice on sustainable design and living.

Friday 4th May 2007
10am til 4pm
Rootstein Hopkins Space
London College of Fashion
20 John Princes Street
London W1G OBJ

Oxford Circus Tube 1 min
Free entry
Full disabled access.

Plus free screenings all day:

10.30am and 2.30pm: Pesticide Action Network film
'Moral Fibre' on organic cotton production methods.

11.00, 1.00pm and 3pm: Al Gore's 'An Inconvenient

12.30pm: Premiere of independent interactive
SYMBIOB, featuring live narration by Hayden Turner
(National Geographic TV presenter/zoologist).

This event will form part of The College's
Sustainability Week


Start date Start date: Fri May 04, 2007
End date End date: Fri May 04, 2007

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