London Air Quality
Posted by suttree, 913 days ago

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Reading article "London Air Quality" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
Nice little website that publishes details from a number of air quality devices dotted around London.
Nice little website that publishes details from a number of air quality devices dotted around London.


Leeds Castle Christmas 2008 by ecosrights
Gateway Primary Christmas F... by ecosrights
Father Christmas at the Orc... by ecosrights
Christmas Light switch on 2008 by ecosrights
Fenwicks Christmas window 2008 by JoP
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hmm, a fairly interesting website. not particularly handy to the general public but interesting to look at nonetheless.
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just because you can't see it doesn't mean that there's not junk sucking into your lungs...
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This reminds me of what is called the “Right to Know Act†in Wisconsin, a State of the United States, where I live. I think this is a great start. This can really help those who want to know more about the quality of the air in the area where they live. It is important to note that at least some effort is being made to show the public this information.
However, of course with any statistics the numbers and graphs can fool you. However, if it is a reliable source, then I say that the information can be valid. What do all of you think of this information? Do you think the source of it is reliable?
I suppose that could be a sticky controversial issue. I am just curious. How accurate do you suppose this information really is?
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I'm inclined to say that the information is pretty reliable since the website looks quite ugly. If they were tyring to cover up some shockingly bad air quality there would probably be a bunch of photos, flash animations and 'lifestyle' ideas on there, as opposed to the facts and figures.
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