London Water Bus
Posted by suttree, 903 days ago

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Reading event "London Water Bus" - Reply to this / 9 comment(s)
Take a trip on the London Water Bus, see the website for timetables and routes.
Take a trip on the London Water Bus, see the website for timetables and routes.
Start date: Sat Apr 01, 2006
End date: Mon Oct 30, 2006


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I've not even properly tried the water bus...has anyone here? Is it a handy way for you to get around?
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Me neither, I was tempted a couple of years ago by something like this, especially when the trains were at their worst.
The nearest I've come is on a ferry cruise along the Thames from Greenwich, but that was just one big party :D
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I obviously have never tried it seeing how I have never been to London. However, if I had I would venture to guess the fare for this transportation is cheaper than a taxi or a rental car. If I happen to travel to London I would definitely consider the Waterbus.
Not only that but I love the water anyway. I have been on a cruise before.
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Just so long as it doesn't smell, it's got to be worth a go.
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Smell? Like Venice-style canal smell?
I don't think it would. It's probably pretty open air and such...
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looks like it'd be a great way to spend some time and certainly something different!
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Given the way that the river runs through the centre of the city (like so many major cities) then depending on your route, it could be quite practical. Obviously good fun for tourists as well!
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That's good - making use of the river, especially on hot summer days. Nobody likes being stuck on the tube with its horrible lack of aircon and packed in with a million other commuters.
The Water Bus would definitely be a far nicer way to travel in summer.
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Busses and subways are unpleasant during hot weather...being outside is so much nicer.
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