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London Water Bus

Posted by suttree, 903 days ago

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Reading article "London Water Bus" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
This looks like a nice way to spend an afternoon with the kids:

"Cruises along the historic Regent's Canal as it slips quietly along the green and leafy fringes of Regents Park. Trips from the Pool at Little Venice, where Brownings Island is surrounded by the elegant graciousness of Regency architecture, through the damp, dark mysteriousness of the Maida Hill Tunnel, to the lively bustle of Camden Lock, the famous market for everything from craftshops and clothing to the interesting and unusual."


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  1. nice trip by geline, 889 days ago

    "Trips on traditional canal narrow boats, three with Historic Ship Certificates, and all with weather protection and large opening windows for sunny days."

    - Seems like a perfect way to spend the day... cool and cozy :)

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  2. Re: London Water Bus by ninikins, 858 days ago

    I'd love to do a canal trip around London, it sounds like a great afternoon out

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