Benjamin Franklin House
Posted by duncan, 924 days ago

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Reading article "Benjamin Franklin House" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
"In the heart of London, just steps from famed Trafalgar Square, is Benjamin Franklin House, the world's only remaining Franklin home. For nearly sixteen years between 1757 and 1775, Dr Benjamin Franklin - scientist, diplomat, philosopher, inventor, Founding Father of the United States and more - lived behind its doors."
"In the heart of London, just steps from famed Trafalgar Square, is Benjamin Franklin House, the world's only remaining Franklin home. For nearly sixteen years between 1757 and 1775, Dr Benjamin Franklin - scientist, diplomat, philosopher, inventor, Founding Father of the United States and more - lived behind its doors."

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never thought you'd find such an "American" piece of history in the UK! Well worthputting on your list for the next time you're in the area!
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