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The Park At The Heart Of Dartford

Posted by greenguy, 231 days ago

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Reading article "The Park At The Heart Of Dartford" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
If you live in Dartford you can't fail to have heard about the regenaration of Central Park. The council have purchased a large tract of land from the largest emplyer inthe town, Glaxo, and used it to extend the already large park substantially. Not only that, they've also fought off plans to drive a road through the middle of the park which would have ruined a lot of the tranquility of the area.

So, it's no surprise to see the council distributing flyers and appearing in the local newspapers to publicise the regeneration work. Dartford, like a lot of South Eastern towns, has seen a sustained increase of people looking to commute into London and live in a reasonably priced area. As the south eastern regeneration continues, Dartford could become one of a few key towns with excellent transports facilities, a large town centre and now the recreational facilities to match.

There are already plenty of festivals and fireworks that take place in and around central park but now it seems there will be more events and more activities. As the blurb says, 'if only all coucils were like Dartford'. On the back of the regeneration work happening at the moment, you'd have to agree.


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  1. Re: The Park At The Heart Of Dartford by Mousey, 164 days ago

    I would just like to clarify that Dartford Council had nothing whatsoever to do with 'fighting off the plans' for the proposed road through our beautiful and much loved Central Park.

    Blinded by the allure of a massive Tesco superstore in Dartford, the intransigent Council tried every dodgey old trick in the trade to get the wholly unpopular plans (containing the park road element)approved.

    It was the result of a planning inquiry into the Lowfield Street/Tesco development that eventually put pay to the plans and it is interesting to note that it was, primarily, the road issue that killed the scheme dead.

    Regarding the aquisition of the extra 20 acres of land from GSK: this was not an act of benevolence, it was nothing more than a planning necessity as part of the GSK land was earmarked for the construction of part of the proposed park road.

    I hope I have cleared up any potential misunderstanding that Dartford Council had anything to do with 'saving the Park' because that is absolutely not the case.

    Town Mouse
    Dartford Town Centre

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