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The Green South East

Posted by duncan, 316 days ago

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Drive around the South East of England these days and you'll see plenty of construction work. From the motorways, you'll see a lot of road widening and road building, which isn't particularly green, but take a closer look and you'll see that for every motorway expansion there's housing estate with a real green ethic behind it.

In Dartford there's an eco friendly football stadium, elsewhere Shorne Wood is an eco-educational visitor centre, just like Thames Chase. Even new homes are being built on brown field sites, where industry has moved away.

So, it came as no surprise to read two pieces of local news over the last week that highlight just how green the continued regeneration of the South East has become.

The Shorne Wood visitor centre is being held up as a standard to which all news homes in the Thames Gateway area should be judged, with Judith Armett, in charge of the development plans, stating that 160,000 homes will run on environmentally friendly energy. These homes are also going to create 180,000 news jobs by 2016. Ms Armitt even acknowledged the local complaints about the Ingress Park development, saying that it 'was not the best example of sustainable development'.

Elsehwere, there are plans to create a new £30m eco-friendly business park called SusCon. Opening by 2010 in North Kent, it will offer research and development facilities and aim to do for environmental education what the Eden Project did for biology.

On top of these examples, is the Fast Track bus scheme, which is a really switched on local bus service that makes short, local car journeys more questionable. It's been so successful that local taxi drivers have started to complain in vain!

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