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Toys Hill

Posted by duncan, 500 days ago

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Reading article "Toys Hill" - Reply to this / 5 comment(s)
"Toys Hill is more than 200 acres (81 hectares) of woodland owned by the National Trust.

Toys Hill is a marvellous place to enjoy a peaceful, relaxing walk, admire fine views over the Weald and to discover the wildlife it supports."

We've been there as a family quite a few times and it is a very nice place for a day out. There are a few mice, quiet pubs nearby too.

More info here - http://www.toyshill.co.uk/


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  1. Good pub by ecosrights, 497 days ago

    There's a great pub just 5 mins from the car park for Toys Hill - serves excellent food and are great with kids (as long as you keep them out of the bar area) with a large space outside for them to play in. It's really popular though, so you need to get there early.

    They were quite happy to do any of the main courses as a childs portion for us, which is always good as we'd rather our son ate "proper" food as opposed to the "kids" food that they often get stuck with.

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  2. good for kids by geline, 490 days ago

    Great that it is child-friendly, of course, that is why it is called Toys Hill! LOL Children also need to eat the 'adult' food once in a while, they have to learn the proper foods and the proper way of eating when in a public place.

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    1. Re: good for kids by duncan, 490 days ago

      And it's not always about eating 'adult' food, it's about eating with tantrums, food fights, spitting it back out, all the messy stuff :)

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  3. great idea! by Thumperfive, 488 days ago

    good to see someone paying attention to having some child-friendly areas.. can't always have the big people taking up the space!

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  4. Re: Toys Hill by ninikins, 450 days ago

    That looks absolutely lovely, I live nearby and I never went, that will change soon I am sure!

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