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Princes Park

Posted by suttree, 488 days ago

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Reading article "Princes Park" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
"September 2006 will see the completion of one of Dartford's most impressive buildings and the return of Dartford Football Club after more than 14 years in exile.

The Princes Park Stadium, which is being built at the moment, will be the new home for The Darts after years of ground-sharing in other boroughs."

I'm actually quite excited about this. I still don't really understand why a shiny new bridge was lumped across the main road linking the station to the High Street and all my enthusiasm for the Fast Track system has pretty much evaporated having sat in too many traffic jams, but I can see the immediate and long term benefits from building a new stadium just outside of the Town Centre.

Mind you, I bet the thing is made of concrete without a green concession in sight. Except the grass.


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  1. Re: Princes Park by duncan, 336 days ago

    There's more here, too:


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