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The Lazy Environmentalist

Posted by duncan, 427 days ago

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Reading article "The Lazy Environmentalist" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
An 'eco-emporium' where each of the goods has an Eco footprint labelling to make it easy for you to see what it is made of, how it was made and how it got here.

It's a nice looking store and the footprint idea is so good you'll probably some of the big boys 'borrowing' it before long.


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  1. Re: The Lazy Environmentalist by Polly, 427 days ago

    Hi Duncan, and all at Ecolocal. It is lovely to be here.

    The idea behind using an Eco footprint label for each product was to give a succinct at-a-glance breakdown of an item's limited environmental impact. A way of making it easier, if you like. Although the term eco footprint is understood by many people already leading sustainable existences (and I suspect most of your visitors), many others have yet to embrace the idea. What I am trying to do with my website, and likewise with my Eco-column in Concept for Living magazine, is nudge/coerce/trigger those people who are new to thinking green to think a little more about their purchasing habits and encourage better, more informed choices (and in turn, develop more sustainable lifestyles).

    So, if this means that the big boys take to 'borrowing' the idea, I would be delighted!

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  2. Re: The Lazy Environmentalist by ninikins, 427 days ago

    That's your site, polly? that's wonderful! I think it's a superb idea and would love to see it used elsewhere and more frequently.

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    1. Re: Re: The Lazy Environmentalist by Polly, 424 days ago

      Thanks ninikins - I'm glad you like it! And yes, I'd be very pleased to see eco-footprints on all goods. Wouldn't it make life easier?

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