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People thanked for saving water

Posted by duncan, 447 days ago

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Reading article "People thanked for saving water" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
Patronising, really. As are the posters in London claiming how much water is being saved by new pipes fitted by Thames Water. I saw a PR-driven sign by some road works the other day that said somethign along the lines of 'Thames Water apologises for the inconvenience whilst we replace these Victorian Water Pipes'. Their point being that the work is for our own good. Our complaint being that Victorian Water Pipes should have been replace a long, long time ago.

Anyway, if you feel like blaming yourself some more, you can always read these water saving tips, courtesy of the BBC:


Or you can play with their water saving calculator to see the neglible impact of an over-long shower has in comparison to the massive amounts of water wasted by Thames Water every day.

Yes, I am grumpy!


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  1. Re: People thanked for saving water by ninikins, 447 days ago

    I can see why you're grumpy. it ridiculous how long ago these pipes should have been replaced.

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  2. Re: People thanked for saving water by ecosrights, 439 days ago

    it really is a case of "pot calling kettle black"

    well, they'll be putting up the prices next saying there isn't enough to go round and that the new pipes are costing them so much ... and of course the fines for poor customer service and the amount of leaks

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