No More Standy
Posted by suttree, 455 days ago

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Personally, I hate the fact that when I power off my home PC a green light stays on, on the keyboard of all things. I've taken to pulling the plug on the whole thing but I do that mainly because I can - the case is very small so the whole things site on my desk, making the plug temptingly accessible.
Still, if this article is to be believed, TV standby buttons are to be abolished:
"THE Government is to outlaw standby switches on televisions and video and DVD players to cut the amount of electricity wasted in the home.
Refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers will have to become energy-efficient, and lightbulbs that burn too much energy will be phased out."
It doesn't sound like a revolution, since these things take years to phase out, but it's good news. Given that the government also want everybody to upgrade to digital TV signals, and the big consumer companies are pushing HD quality TV sets, wouldn't it be great if someone, somewhere made this a 'green-by-the-back-door' issue and forced all new TVs to abolish standby in time for the expected rush of new TV purchases?
I can hope, at least..
Personally, I hate the fact that when I power off my home PC a green light stays on, on the keyboard of all things. I've taken to pulling the plug on the whole thing but I do that mainly because I can - the case is very small so the whole things site on my desk, making the plug temptingly accessible.
Still, if this article is to be believed, TV standby buttons are to be abolished:
"THE Government is to outlaw standby switches on televisions and video and DVD players to cut the amount of electricity wasted in the home.
Refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers will have to become energy-efficient, and lightbulbs that burn too much energy will be phased out."
It doesn't sound like a revolution, since these things take years to phase out, but it's good news. Given that the government also want everybody to upgrade to digital TV signals, and the big consumer companies are pushing HD quality TV sets, wouldn't it be great if someone, somewhere made this a 'green-by-the-back-door' issue and forced all new TVs to abolish standby in time for the expected rush of new TV purchases?
I can hope, at least..,,...

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