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MPG Buddy

Posted by duncan, 443 days ago

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Reading article "MPG Buddy" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
You'll have to do the conversion from US to UK by hand, but this is a nice website for finding out the MPG for your car.


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  1. Re: MPG Buddy by jane, 443 days ago

    Unfortunately you'll only find that it's American models.... just looked for my Clio - Renaults aren't on the list at all.

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  2. Re: MPG Buddy by ninikins, 443 days ago

    SHame, I wonder if there's a similar site for UK models too?

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  3. Re: MPG Buddy by jane, 442 days ago

    If anyone can track one down, please let us know.

    If not, you can always find the recommended mileage for your car on the manufacturer's website

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