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Government backs small and green

Posted by suttree, 455 days ago

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Reading article "Government backs small and green" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
This is an interesting piece from the BBC about a government energy review:

"The government's energy review, which aims to boost the portion of UK power generated from sources such as wind, tides and biomass to 20% by 2020."

There's a lot of focus, quite rightly, on wind farms. I spotted an article the other days taht said up to 90% of electricity in the US could be generated by coastal wind farms. I know that you can prove anything with stats but it does seem like they're becoming more acceptable.


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  1. Re: Government backs small and green by suttree, 455 days ago

    Here it is, from the veritable website, capecodtoday.com:


    "There is as much wind power potential (900,000 megawatts) off our coasts as the current capacity of all power plants in the United States combined, according to a new report entitled, A Framework for Offshore Wind Energy Development in the United States, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, and General Electric."

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    1. Re: Re: Government backs small and green by suttree, 455 days ago

      And for anyone foolish enough to think that wind turbines are ugly, how about this:


      Off-shore, floating farms of wind turbines :)

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