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Fertilisers give the lungs of the earth bad breath

Posted by jane, 468 days ago

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Reading article "Fertilisers give the lungs of the earth bad breath" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
I have to say that the results this article are talking about don't really surprise me.

They are saying that the use of fertilisers for farming leads to an increase in CO2 created by rain forests. Well as fertiliser is to increase growth rate, then it make sense that there will be an increase in CO2 production. Surely it's yet another reason why more people should be growing organically rather than tiping the eco system even further.


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  1. xx by Green Diva, 467 days ago

    Interesting....imagine each little plant becoming bigger and giving off more CO2 as it respirates, a definite cumulative effect I'd say. Very good point.

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  2. Re: Fertilisers give the lungs of the earth bad breath by Green Diva, 450 days ago

    More on fertilisers. you know the more I think about it, the more I feel that fertilisers are pretty evil. There are organic fertilisers, but so many farmers and growers are entrenched in conventional methods...

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