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Posted by duncan, 427 days ago

If you want to learn about organic food, diapers/nappies or just how to be green then why not join today?

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Reading article "ecorazzi" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
From the people behind groovygreen, comes ecorazzi - the latest in green gossip.


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  1. Re: ecorazzi by Polly, 427 days ago

    I love this site! We need the same over here - green celebs: people who are promoting, through their high-profile lives, sustainable solutions. Although we have no green gods or goddesses (yet) to match the likes of Daryl Hannah, Woody Harrleson and Leonardo Dicaprio, there is Liz Hurley ....She is in the process of converting her Cotswolds farm to organic status and is rumoured to be launching an organic baby clothes line soon. Come on Kiera and Co - lets see you driving a Prius, or even off-setting those carbon emissions from flying to and fro to the Caribbean!

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  2. Re: ecorazzi by ninikins, 427 days ago

    This is a great site and a great concept too! There really needs to be more site like this raising awareness.

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