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Eco-Car Registration Tax

Posted by Laura, 443 days ago

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Reading article "Eco-Car Registration Tax" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Italy has over 1.2million LPG cars on the roads and the owners are granted benefits and tax advantages. Now Portugal and The Netherlands are following suit and rewarding low CO2 emission vehicles by reducing registration tax up to 40%. Europe is definately taking the right step towards alternative fuelled cars. The British and Dutch Governments are holding a conference in September with Toyota and Renault to develop more strategies for increasing the number of fuel-efficient cars in Europe.


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  1. Re: Eco-Car Registration Tax by jane, 443 days ago

    I have to say that the more reading I've done of late the more horrified I am by the gap between what's happening here in Europe and the US. The US seem a long way behind - alternative fuels may not be big yet, but at least a high proportion of people drive more efficent, small cars than in the US and there is quite a backlash against 4*4 drivers.
    I'd personally be very pleased if Renault were to make greater inroads into the alternative space - I like their cars.

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