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degradable bags

Posted by JoP, 461 days ago

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Reading article "degradable bags" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
just a tip for those using degradable bin liners, nappy bags etc...........remember to store the unused ones in a cool place or they will start to recycle themselves before you get the chance to use them!


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  1. Re: degradable bags by Green Diva, 461 days ago

    HaHA...that's pretty funny. It's the sunlight that causes them to biodegrade I suppose?Or is it just the ambient air?

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  2. Re: degradable bags by JoP, 461 days ago

    totally degradable plastic bags are designed to maintain their full strength for a year under "normal" conditions - heat and light cause them to degrade, so it's important you don't store unused ones in a hot garage or outside shed. They're ideal to use for lining a small bin in your kitchen to be transferred to your compost bin- in my experience most compost bins are at the bottom of gardens!

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  3. Re: degradable bags by ecosrights, 461 days ago

    It's a good point - nappy bags have a tendancy to degrade very quickly, we've known them start to go within a few days, so you have to be quick to get rid of them! Not pleasant.

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  4. Re: degradable bags by ecosrights, 328 days ago

    You can also get biodegradable black bin bags (all of the big supermarkets have started doing them) and swing bin liners. A word of advice though - if you use them for storage, they will eventually degrade! I've relatives who have a loft full of things covered in black bits!!! Oops...

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