Carbon Quota
Posted by duncan, 362 days ago

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Reading article "Carbon Quota" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
Treehugger has a nice post about carbon trading that made me think about 'carbon quotas'.
I'm fairly convinced that this is something we'll see in the next ten or twenty years. Every household will be given a limit of carbon emissions they can knowingly use, and cars, holidays and heating will come out of that with any extra costs resulting in a fine.
I'm also pretty sure that we'll see a few eBay like websites for trading carbon credits ;-)
Treehugger has a nice post about carbon trading that made me think about 'carbon quotas'.
I'm fairly convinced that this is something we'll see in the next ten or twenty years. Every household will be given a limit of carbon emissions they can knowingly use, and cars, holidays and heating will come out of that with any extra costs resulting in a fine.
I'm also pretty sure that we'll see a few eBay like websites for trading carbon credits ;-)


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hi duncan
About personal carbon quotas, i dont see how food can be left out of the equation, british food transportation accounts for 3.5% of our total carbone dioxide emissions, about 40% of lorries on britains roads today are involved in producing and distributing food, and most of our fruit and veg is imported by air freight, which is growing rapidly.
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That's a good point, and pushes even more the fact that we need to be buying locally grown fruit and veg where possible. In my mind there is no excuse for potatoes, onions and apples (just for a start) to be imported into the UK at any point in the year as all of these can be stored successfully to cover the "non harvesting" season. I certainly wont buy potatoes that are not grown in the UK, although sometimes have no choice on other things (we do have a veg box, but that often needs supplementing)
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Recently i have had no difficulty buying UK sourced veg, but now the weather has changed it will become necessary for us all to buy more from overseas. l buy Fairtrade and organic when l can and usually get good value. My family boycott certain stores like Tesco and M&S because of their Israeli connection, i am not a muslim, but l sympathies with them, even our choice of food is affected by this war in Iraq.
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