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What's in your water bottle?

Posted by suttree, 950 days ago

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Reading article "What's in your water bottle?" - Reply to this / 5 comment(s)
An interesting breakdown of what goes into some bottled water.


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  1. blimey by ninikins, 949 days ago

    Didn't really expect that. Just like the other day when I actually checked the ingredient list on my bag of veg from the supermarket. Flavourings and colourings galore.

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  2. interesting by Green Diva, 934 days ago

    Thanks for posting this. When I think of bottled wate rI think of "bottled from the source" as in spring water. I have a water filter on my tap so rarely drink bottled water anyway.

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  3. yuck....all i want in my water by Bettina, 931 days ago

    is water.

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    1. Re: yuck....all i want in my water by suttree, 931 days ago

      I'll bet you could taste the difference too. There's a similar discussion about the taste difference in chicken that's free-range here:


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  4. Re: What's in your water bottle? by Green Diva, 909 days ago

    Yup. I am sure if you did a water tasting test (kind of like a wine tasting) you would notice differences.

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