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Weight Loss

Posted by suttree, 946 days ago

Tags: diet health

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Reading article "Weight Loss" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
A friend of mine recommended this website, for keeping track of what you eat, how much you exersize and how healthy that makes you.

Like a lot of these things, though, you could spend all day filling it in.


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  1. That's Great! I Will Check it Out! by fishtail1776, 945 days ago

    That is great! I will check out this website. Also, I have joined one called by a very funny name. The name of it is as follows:


    This is a forum site which discusses all aspects of weight loss. I think you will find it beneficial indeed!

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  2. And by Green Diva, 934 days ago

    Here's another great site for losing weight and keeping track of calories, carbs, fat, and protein. Fitday--www.fitday.com

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  3. Time to try by jane, 933 days ago

    Thanks for the links - I like the idea of "I'm sick of being fat".... I'm going to check it out as it's always good to have a forum to discuss the challenges you're facing.

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  4. Re: Weight Loss by Green Diva, 911 days ago

    So, how is everyone doing? Anyone losing weight or getting fit? I am guilty. Haven't done a thing lately. Ugh..

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