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The Green Tiers of Congestion Charge

Posted by duncan, 454 days ago

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Reading article "The Green Tiers of Congestion Charge" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
"London mayor Ken Livingstone today announced plans to raise the congestion charge to £25 for so-called 'Chelsea tractors'."

Beautiful. And there's more...

"Drivers of the least polluting cars will receive a reduction on the current £8 daily charge."

Tiered congestion charge, based on emission. Things like this are a joy to discover :)


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  1. Re: The Green Tiers of Congestion Charge by jane, 451 days ago

    Now this is what I call good news. The congestion charge may put some people off travelling into London, but not enough (walking through every day I admire the cyclists but curse the private car drivers, especially the ones in ridiculously large, flash cars).

    £25 a day will hopefully discourage some users - it's certainly going to hit them more than the higher rate of car tax they have to pay.

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  2. Re: The Green Tiers of Congestion Charge by ecosrights, 451 days ago

    It's just a shame that it wont be until 2008..... should be much sooner than that.

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  3. Re: The Green Tiers of Congestion Charge by ninikins, 450 days ago

    I applaud anyone brave enough to cycle to wherever they need to go there should be more safe cycle lanes.

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