Omega-3 Oils
Posted by suttree, 927 days ago

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Reading article "Omega-3 Oils" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Fish oils seem to be the new super-cure these days. Kids don't get enough of them and they solve all sorts of problems, as well as boosting brain power. Allegedly.
The link is to an article by George Monbiot, who often writes some of the best stuff to be found in The Guardian.
"The food standards agency is conducting a review of the effects of omega-3s on childrens' behaviour and performance in school. Alan Johnson, the secretary of state for education, is taking an interest(13). Given the accumulating weight of evidence, it would surprising if he does not decide to go ahead. Already, companies such as St Ivel and Marks and Spencer are selling foods laced with omega-3s.
There is only one problem: there are not enough fish."
Fish oils seem to be the new super-cure these days. Kids don't get enough of them and they solve all sorts of problems, as well as boosting brain power. Allegedly.
The link is to an article by George Monbiot, who often writes some of the best stuff to be found in The Guardian.
"The food standards agency is conducting a review of the effects of omega-3s on childrens' behaviour and performance in school. Alan Johnson, the secretary of state for education, is taking an interest(13). Given the accumulating weight of evidence, it would surprising if he does not decide to go ahead. Already, companies such as St Ivel and Marks and Spencer are selling foods laced with omega-3s.
There is only one problem: there are not enough fish."

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yes, it's always with a catch isn't it? Eat fish it's good for you but now there'n't aren't enough and we are fishing out our waters. Such a dilemma. Omega 3 fatty acids can be obtained indirectly by eating walnuts and pumpkin seeds, and flax seeds and oil.
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